Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas, part 3

Between Brian and I, we are blessed to have lots of family. Christmas Eve we spent with Brian's mom - they have traditionally opened gifts that night and spent Christmas Day in celebration. Christmas Day is spent with my mom and Brian's dad, and then this year my dad was in town as well. He and my step-mom came over yesterday to spend some time with us and the kids, as well as open gifts and stuff our faces! Here are some pics from yesterday:

My dad and Jacob

Jacob with my step-mom

One of the many times Audrey climbed into Grampy's lap

And I just wanted to share this one, which Brian calls Jacob's MySpace pic

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I hope you had a nice day with your families! We sure did. Here are some pics:

Jacob on his little quad

The girls on their new scooters from Nana

So much for his little quad!
Terese is an excellent driver :)

And me driving Audrey's scooter the rest of the way to the park, she wasn't quite ready for hers yet. I'm sure it was quite amusing to watch.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What Christmas is really about

An online friend of mine shared this with me, and I was very touched by it so I thought I'd post it here. (Hi Krissy, hope you don't mind!) I had been looking for the words to express how I feel about the spirit of giving, but was at a loss of how to do that in a meaningful way. Each of us has needed help at some point, and we should never forget what that feels like. This Christmas, along with many other things, I am thankful for my friends - including those I've never met in person :)

We adopted a family this year. It was so overwhelming but so wonderful.
This little boy (a 7 year old~ Caleb's age!) and his 31 year old mother left the abusive father for a better life. But now have nothing. NOTHING.
This precious child asked for gloves, a mattress for his bed and underwear. I can not even wrap my brain around the fact that a 7 year old wants such things. Caleb has a glimmer of how fortunate he is now after learning what this child WANTED. Not toys, not games.... gloves and underwear.
Needless to say, we got him the gloves and underwear and a lot of other things. I would have bought the store if we could have. I was really torn because I wanted to do so much more but money is terribly limited this year.
For the mother, we bought her necessitities and then a lot of goodies like lotions, fuzzy slippers, perfumes and other things to remind her how special she is. And I cleaned out my closet and gave her two big bags full of pants, sweaters, pajamas and all sorts of things that would hopefully help her.
On Saturday, Caleb and I drove into downtown (B A D area) to drop off all of our items for this family. Originally, we were to deliver to the family but after researching, Jamie and I decided the area was not a safe area to visit. So we dropped off at our adoption spot and they delivered.
When we dropped off, we realized we were blocks from their home. So we drove by. I literally had a sick feeling in my stomach to know that not only a human being lived in that home but a child. A child the same age as my son. I can not even begin to describe what it looked like. I have seen poor areas before and this area truly did not compare. It was beyond what you are thinking right now. Much worse.

But out front of this home that looked as though it would fall over if leaned against, was a tricycle that I can imagine this 7 year old riding. Way too small for him but I'm sure he is ever grateful for it anyway. And there was a snowman. It had one enormous body with stick arms and a tiny head on top of his body. Obvious construction of a child. I had visions of this HAPPY child making due with what he has and playing with what he can. As horrible of a neighborhood, this snowman and tricycle made me smile. Especially knowing that inside that house was a home for this boy with a loving mother who is protecting him.

Today, we got a Christmas card from this family. They sent us a card!!!! The minute I saw the return address I started bawling. Caleb ran over and we read the card together.
All it said was "God Bless You". All written in a childs handwriting.
THAT made our Christmas complete. Not that it wasn't worth while in the first place, I'd do it again tomorrow with no thank you at all. But that card will always remind us what Christmas is really about.

Monday, December 1, 2008


We just got home from our 8-hour each way trip to TX to visit my dad for Thanksgiving. It was nice to get away and we had a good time, and the drives to/from went as expected. We physically separated the girls by a row of seats on the way there, but on the way home we didn't mess with the luggage rack so all three were in the backseat together. Thank God we had the foresight to reserve a hotel room in Amarillo to break up the drive! Those girls sure do need their space.

We were on my uncle's ranch, where he raises angus cattle and also has a couple of horses. The kids' favorite part of the ranch is riding the ATV's - Jacob absolutely could not get enough of it! Lucky for him Santa has something in mind for him this year :)

The main purpose of the trip, besides seeing family for the holiday, was for Brian to go deer hunting. In TX, you can feed the deer during the year and then conveniently show up to where they eat when you feel like shooting one during hunting season. As unfair as that seems, it's not a guarantee that you'll get one. Brian saw quite a few deer, and one in particular that more than one person told him he was stupid for not shooting. With two racks mounted on the walls at home, he is in the "hold out for a BIG one" stage, which I am thankful for.
A few pics from our trip...

My uncle Jerry taking the kids to feed the cows

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A sucker for online shopping

So I've recently started making my list for Christmas gifts for all those we buy for. Between mine and Brian's family, there are a lot of kids (10, plus our own). So I started doing some online shopping the last few days, and now I can't stop!! I keep thinking I really could just drive down the street to Target/Old Navy/Borders/(insert store name here), and save myself the shipping, but it's' so easy to just click "submit order"! I am proud of myself for getting an early start this year though, it usually begins after Thanksgiving and I'm usually up very late on Christmas Eve wrapping. Now I just have to figure out where I'm going to hide everything - the girls have found every hiding place in the house!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

It was an absolutely perfect night for trick-or-treating! The air was still and about 65 degrees, I can't remember the last time we didn't battle the cold while walking the neighborhood. We usually go to my mom's neighborhood to trick-or-treat, because even though we live literally doors down from an elementary school, there are never any kids out where we live.

Terese was a corpse, Audrey was a witch, and Jacob was a dragon. I wasn't sure he'd wear the hood, but he was a good sport! I'm sure it helped that he had a constant flow of suckers in his mouth for distraction. It really was super cute to watch him toddle down the sidewalk.

I love this picture because it captures Terese making such a funny face - Jacob was dancing in circles while I repeated "go stand by sissy!" about fifteen times, it was pretty funny. I didn't ever get a decent pic of the three of them, but I suppose the goofy ones are the best!

Here are some more recent pics of the kiddos:
This was sucker #2, I think
It was "wear red" day at school, Jacob just happened to match

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Couldn't have said it better myself

I follow a few blogs of friends, and ocassionally check out the blogs they follow, just for fun. I was reading a friend's husband's blog today (Hi Melissa!), and was impressed by one of his posts. There are times when I get frustrated trying to debate politics with people, and can't always eloquently articulate my tendencies toward the Republican party. This post in particular made me proud (I wonder if he would think that's weird??)
Anyway, here's the link. I thought it only right to give him credit instead of just quoting him here. Hope he doesn't mind!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Big 'ole baby

That's my boy! To be exact, he is 25 lbs 6 oz and 35 inches of little boy. (For anyone curious, that is the 50th percentile for weight and off the charts for height. Wonder where he gets that from?) He had his 18 month appt yesterday, and despite not talking a whole lot he is doing great. He got two shots and started screaming before the nurse even poked him (the big baby!! :) No more shots until Kindergarten, yaay! That seems so far away, but I know it isn't really. Time with the girls has just absolutely flown by, and it already is with Jacob too...makes me sad to think of my last baby growing up so fast!

Jacob's new thing is to stretch out between the couch and the table, and then look to see who's watching. He thinks he's so funny! He really is. I love you buddy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm famous (or infamous, depending...)

Well, not really. But Neil and I did meet a currently famous person. I'm not totally sure on the logistics of how, but Neil was invited to be a greeter for Senator McCain yesterday. Mom asked me to do the honor of escorting him, and the secret service actually let me in the door! We were part of a small group waiting for him and Cindy when they got off the "Straight-Talk Express". (Yes, I was on the clock and gone forever - Ron, I will use vacation :)

I think most of the people I know would agree that it was an honor to meet him, regardless of who you're voting for this November. (And yes, he looks just like he does on TV) He made his expected cordial introductions to everyone, and then came back after he had gone down the line to tell Neil "It is an honor that you came out to see me today, my friend." Indeed.

After the meet-n-greet, McCain and his entourage booked it to the University of New Mexico campus (not a good choice of venue, in my opinion - college campuses are notoriously liberal and the parking is rediculous). They must have beat us by a good 15 minutes, because by the time we arrived at the door, having successfully dodged the protestors, he had begun speaking and they wouldn't let us in. It helps that they had a police escort and closed down the freeway for a few minutes, I'm sure, but that was little consolation to Neil who was pretty disappointed. I think seeing his name and photo in the newspaper this morning may have lifted his spirits a bit though!

At any rate, I hope he wins, for reasons including my being able to say that I've met the President :)
Apparently, this is what I look like when I'm trying to seem endearing to someone slightly shorter than me.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

If you're confused, like I am...

Watch this enlightening video concerning our current economic crisis as it relates to the housing market. It moves fast so you may want to cover the pause button. It's obvious which side created it, but the facts are food for thought.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Dear Audrey,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!! Six years ago today, on a Sunday morning, you came into this world. You were born at 6:11am, weighing 7 pounds and 2 ounces - just like your big sister. My labor with you was the most natural thing I've ever done, and I often joke I should have had you at home. (With your sister I think I asked to be shot, and I opted for the epidural with Jacob!) Spongebob Squarepants was on TV in the delivery room. Your sister was there (hopefully she doesn't remember much :), and Nana too. Corny as it sounds, I just can't believe it has been six years since that day.

At six, you love school, your friends, all things involving dolls, ballet, and snacking. You are already a professional internet surfer. This year you have learned to ride your bike without training wheels, been to Disneyland and the ocean for the first time, and walked miles through Carlsbad Caverns. You are growing up to be a beautiful, intelligent, and funny little girl, but most importantly, a good person. I am so proud of you.

I hope you have a wonderful day today at school, you get to pick what's for dinner! As we say every night in our prayers, thank you for my many, many blessings sweetheart.

I love you,

Monday, September 15, 2008

Scale shock

Yikes. I stepped on the scale recently, for the first time in a while apparently, and was super bummed to see what it had to tell me. Which was "no more fast food for you!" Part of my problem is that we have TONS of free candy bars and a fountain machine at the office. After I had Jacob I had some serious work to do to lose the baby weight. I had 34 pounds to lose when he was 6 weeks old, and within a few months I had lost 26 of it. I was the Lean Cuisine Queen there for a while, but that's really all I did. Things stalled out there, and since then I've gotten lazy on the whole eating right bit.
A friend turned me on to
"The Couch-to-5K Running Plan" today, and her timing couldn't be better. Brian is game to start walking/jogging/eventually running with me too, assuming we can work out what the kids do during that time. I would really like to lose 15 pounds by Thanksgiving!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Let the dancing begin!

The girls started their dance classes back up today! I realized that Terese and her friend Daphne have been in the same dance class for 7 years now! I sat on the same bench outside Terese's class today that I went into labor with Audrey while sitting on 6 years ago. Crazy! Maybe I should add up how much money I've paid them over all that time, lol. It is kinda like a little family over there though, one you spend just a few hours with every week and that's the end of the commitment.

I was talking with some of the other moms about the different activities their kids are in. It seems mine are the only ones not doing at least 3 other things each week - soccer, gymnastics, cheer, you name it. Call me lazy, I just don't think my kids (a.k.a. ME) need to be that busy. They still have homework and chores to do too. Lucky for me when Jacob is old enough for sports Terese will probably be driving (yikes, that's a scary thought) and can tote herself and at least one sibling around. Hey, another benefit to having kids so far apart, woohoo!

Friday, August 29, 2008

On this day in 1980...

My hubby was born!

B R I A N ! ! !

Friday, August 22, 2008

Hi, I'm Crazy

Someone sent this to me and I laughed my ass off, can anyone say
F R E A K ?

If you are in a relationship, hearing these voicemail messages will make you never want to be single again.The back story on this is that a girl named Olga was out with her friends in the Marina district of San Francisco and she talked to this guy named Dmitri for all of two minutes. Then she gave him her card and said “give me a call.” The above is the messages he left. Listen to the whole thing, it just keeps getting better and better. - Watch more free videos

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sad news for DMB

The saxophonist for the Dave Matthews Band, LeRoi Moore, died yesterday from complications from injuries he received in an ATV accident. He was only 46, and was the founding member of DMB back in 1991.
Anyone who knows Brian and I knows that we are huge Dave Matthews Band fans. Over the last few years we've been to numerous concerts (9, but who's counting :), and traveled many places to see them. It's a strange kind of loss to experience - I of course didn't know him personally, but he is a part of some of the best memories I have. Brian and I had some great times watching and listening to them play, on a couple occasions from as close as the first row. I remember when we saw them at Red Rocks in 2005 - Roi was standing outside his tour bus and these girls were yelling "Elroy! ELROY!!!!" We were walking by them and I said "it's LeRoi", lol. They must have thought it was a Jetson's concert.
Anyway, he can never truly be replaced, but I'm sure the band will go on. We have tickets to their concert in Phoenix on Saturday, unless it's cancelled. I would certainly understand if it was.

Red Rocks Amphitheater, 9-11-05

Monday, August 18, 2008


On whether "In God We Trust" should remain on US Currency:

Brian found an outlet...

For the girls to fight with each other! Preferable to their normal screaming/chasing/crying routine. He set them up with Soul Caliber on his xbox, and they went at it. Audrey is really good, she beat the crap out of Terese quite a few times, lol. Audrey got some much needed one-on-one time with her dad yesterday while Terese and I went grocery shopping, and when we came back she was ready to kick some butt. I love to see her be successful at something her dad and sis are interested in, that doesn't happen very often for her.

On another note, the girls start dance on the 30th! Audrey will be in her 3rd year of ballet, and Terese her 4th year of tap (7th year of dance all together, omg!). Terese is also demonstrating for a beginner tap class, which is like being the teacher's aide. She is super excited about that, and I think it will be a great leadership opportunity for her. The girls will hopefully also get to volunteer with the social group my oldest brother with Down's Syndrome attends once a week. My mom has volunteered to help facilitate the weekly meetings and I'd like the girls to get involved in that. Well, maybe just Terese - Audrey might get bored and miss the point. We'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Back to School, part 2

This morning was a perfect, out of the ordinary start to the day. Audrey got out of bed right away (unusual), highly anticipating her first day of Kindergarten! Terese was a great big sister, telling her she'd check on her at first recess and even gave her a hug before she went to class (unusual!). Audrey was so excited, she even started to walk into class without saying bye or hugging her mommy. I had to make her come back and give me a kiss :) I knew she wouldn't shed a tear, and surprisingly I didn't either. I know she will do wonderful and love every minute!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to School

It's Terese's first day of 4th grade! She is an old pro at this, although she was bummed to not have found her bff Lauren. She later found out that Lauren is going to a different school :(

Sunday, August 10, 2008

What's for dinner?

I love, so I thought I'd share a few of my fav recipes from there.
Chicken Cordon Bleu recipe is AWESOME, not low-fat by any means, and totally worth the trouble. It's easier to make than it sounds.

Another good chicken recipe is
Bacon Roasted Chicken, if you've got a few hours to plan ahead. The bacon is actually the best part, so don't skimp!

On the menu for tonight:
Grilled Sausage w/Green Beans and Potatoes. I'll let you know how it turns out!
ETA: It's a keeper!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I was inspired!

Welcome to my blog! I was checking out someone else's blog on a website I frequent, and was inspired to start my own. I'm not sure I will be as witty as she is, but am excited to have a place where anyone who is interested can keep up with my family. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to come up with a clever name for one of these things!

So what's going on in our house these days? Well, the girls start school next week (can you believe I'm old enough to have a 4th grader??), and it will be good for them to be productive again. I'll be cursing that thought soon I'm sure, once dance lessons and homework pick up.

Terese has been taking guitar lessons for 6 weeks and starts a new 6 week session on Tuesday. I am so proud of her for how quickly she is picking it up and love the fact that she's interested in playing an instrument (a girl after my own DMB-devoted heart! :)

Our sweet little Audrey is starting Kindergarten, which feels like a long time coming. Because of her birthday she is starting late, but I'm sure it will work to her advantage. I am certain she will be a little social butterfly and am curious to find out how she handles the academic part of school. It will be nice to have the girls on the same schedule, for a couple of years at least.

My baby Jakey-poo is so terribly funny these days - 16 months old is a fun age! He doesn't talk much but still seems to get whatever he wants, and we're sure the caveman noises will turn into articulated thoughts in his own good time. It's hard to drive away from them every morning on my way to work...

Last weekend Brian, Jacob and I took a road trip to Las Vegas to meet some babyzone friends of mine. Jacob was an angel in the car on the way there, and there was only one moment of exception to that on the way home. 8 hours is a long time for a baby to sit in the car! I had a lot of fun, it was cool to meet people you've been talking to online for two years and they were all so nice and funny. We even had a few drinks together in the hallway (the babies were sleeping), lol!