Thursday, August 27, 2009

Felt like the first day of school

The last time I had a real first day of school was the Fall of 1999 when I began my bachelor's degree program. Terese was two months old. It's hard for me to remember what life was like back then, really. So much has changed.

This first day comes two more kids and ten years later. But some things remain the same - for instance, I still have to park and ride the stupid shuttle bus because there is still nowhere to park on campus. I still walk the same path to class, the lecture halls still look the same. Textbooks still cost a fortune. At 28, am I among the oldest students in class, because apparently all the BBA grads just decided to stay in school this year instead of looking for a job. The MBA program at UNM admitted 23% more students this fall than last year.

As for my classes, which are all Mgt ___, I am taking Interpersonal and Team Dynamics and Statistcs for Management. The first class I think I am going to really like. The syllabus looks like a piece of cake for starters, and the professor is very laid-back and funny. My very favorite part was when he said we would have no out-of -class group work, score!! I used to hate that. As for Statistics, let's just say I need to remember caffeine. It's from 7-9:30pm, and the professor still has a lingering European accent from when he moved here 50-something years ago so he sounds like the priest from The Princess Bride on occasion.

And so it begins!

OH! I almost forgot, the girs started school too :) Terese is in 5th grade, her last year of Elementary school, I can't believe that. And Audrey is in 1st grade this year. They are both happy with their teachers and so far liking their classes. Here they are on their first day, 8/20.

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