Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I've been thinking of something to report here, but not much is up!
Let's see...The girls are on spring break this week, just in time to break in their new trampoline. It's 15' in diameter - this thing is enormous. We have a pretty big backyard and it still looks seriously huge back there. The girls love it and are already flipping around like crazy.
Jacob was pretty leery of it until this morning, when he let me hold him and jump (which is crazy good exercise, as it turns out!). He kept saying "jump! jump!" By this afternoon he was jumping on his own.
Jakey-poo will be two in just two short weeks, can you believe that?? His birthday is on Good Friday and we'll be having a party at the house for relatives and close friends. He's getting a Cars bed, and I'll be putting the crib away one last time. :(
Brian's niece Crystal, who had twin boys at only 27 weeks on January 5th, is having a baby shower for them on Sunday. They are both thriving and almost ready to come home!! We also have two birthdays still this month - Brian's sister Grace on the 29th, and my brother Neil on the 31st. Will be a busy weekend!
What else...oh! We got our concert tickets to go see DMB at the Gorge in Washington state over Labor Day weekend! WOOT!! It's one of those venues you have to see them at at least once, and we are very excited. Will be a nice, sans-kids, vacation :)

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