Sunday, January 4, 2009


New Years resolutions are famous for being forgotten about by February, and my own resolutions in years past are no exception. I can't even remember what I resolved to do in 2008. As chiche' as it is, this year I really want to lose some weight - about 15 pounds to be specific. I know now that my days of the baby weight just falling off (as it did with the girls) are over, as are the "eat whatever I want" days. I had to work to lose the baby weight after Jacob was born, and even then I never lost that last little bit. (And, unfortunately, since then I've gained a little of it back). My goal going in to '09 is to lose 15 pounds by my wedding anniversary - May 12th. I'm hoping that by committing it to writing, I will be more likely to follow through. Wish me luck!

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