Monday, September 22, 2008

Dear Audrey,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!! Six years ago today, on a Sunday morning, you came into this world. You were born at 6:11am, weighing 7 pounds and 2 ounces - just like your big sister. My labor with you was the most natural thing I've ever done, and I often joke I should have had you at home. (With your sister I think I asked to be shot, and I opted for the epidural with Jacob!) Spongebob Squarepants was on TV in the delivery room. Your sister was there (hopefully she doesn't remember much :), and Nana too. Corny as it sounds, I just can't believe it has been six years since that day.

At six, you love school, your friends, all things involving dolls, ballet, and snacking. You are already a professional internet surfer. This year you have learned to ride your bike without training wheels, been to Disneyland and the ocean for the first time, and walked miles through Carlsbad Caverns. You are growing up to be a beautiful, intelligent, and funny little girl, but most importantly, a good person. I am so proud of you.

I hope you have a wonderful day today at school, you get to pick what's for dinner! As we say every night in our prayers, thank you for my many, many blessings sweetheart.

I love you,

Monday, September 15, 2008

Scale shock

Yikes. I stepped on the scale recently, for the first time in a while apparently, and was super bummed to see what it had to tell me. Which was "no more fast food for you!" Part of my problem is that we have TONS of free candy bars and a fountain machine at the office. After I had Jacob I had some serious work to do to lose the baby weight. I had 34 pounds to lose when he was 6 weeks old, and within a few months I had lost 26 of it. I was the Lean Cuisine Queen there for a while, but that's really all I did. Things stalled out there, and since then I've gotten lazy on the whole eating right bit.
A friend turned me on to
"The Couch-to-5K Running Plan" today, and her timing couldn't be better. Brian is game to start walking/jogging/eventually running with me too, assuming we can work out what the kids do during that time. I would really like to lose 15 pounds by Thanksgiving!